Unity: Particle System Force Field

That means, it is used as an additional component to a Particle System.

This Force Field object can have it’s own gravity, direction, drag, rotation. Which effect each particle passing through it.

You can use it via the Gameobject’s layer system to decide what Gameobjects it effects. Or just attach it like a list to the Particle system.

Let’s take a few examples on how to use this. If I have a particle moving up in Y direction and it hits a Force Field with Gravity, the particle will then get pulled into the force field’s shape. Here’s how that will look.

Here’s another example to show how the particle will continue to use it’s own properties as it exits the Cylinder shaped Force Field.

As you can tell. You can get very interesting effects using particle properties in combination with this. So far the only places I have used Force Field on my projects are. Using it to stop particles from entering a certain area.

I think this a very useful effect to know when to use. It has a similar approach like Unity’s newer Post Processing Volume system. Where the effect is limited to the area you choose. Making it very easy to manage and debug issues.

As I continue to use more effects using Force Field, I will post them here.

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