Game: Simple RPG
This is my first attempt in making an RPG game and it’s systems. I used a Udemy tutorial make this game. This game was made using Scriptable Objects, Unity Actions and Events to separate logic from presentation, Singleton Pattern for the managers, Finite State Machines for Enemy AI, Interfaces like Idamageable, Unity’s new Input system….

Game: Sushi Puncher
This is a 2D Shooter Platformer made in Unity. The player shoots punches to grab yummy Sushi raining down from the sky. This quick game was made using a Udemy project course. I was refreshing my coding and learning about 2D game development. https://youtu.be/frHOLKPsIT4

Thesis Game: B.E.S.T.
I was thinking about writing an elaborate article on my thesis game during my Masters at University Of Utah. But I found this article that pretty much sums it up. Since, it doesn’t cover the technical side of the game’s development. I’ll write about that here. https://lassonde.utah.edu/training-police-through-virtual-reality/ The game was played inside a recreational maze…