Art: Illustrating in Vectors

Testing out some Vector Art I made in Illustrator.

Try zooming in using ctrl+ to see the magic of math based Art!

While I was visiting a friend in Seattle, I made a quick sketch of a friend in Illustrator trying to learn more about Vector Art. I’d say things have gotten a lot easier. Last time I tried Vector Art was to, make CSS animations using SVG Art for a food website. I made things like the loading screen using Vector Art. Icons like a hamburger with a patty flipping around till the page loaded, pizza slices being bit into until the page loaded. Stuff like that.

It was all extremely fun to make.

But back then, it took a lot of coding to make it work. This was the time when website devs were just learning about responsive designs. All different internet browsers and their various versions had their own different workarounds to embed Vector Art. I think it was the first release of the CSS Canvas when I working on the site. So, that’s more than 8 years ago. Glad to to see how it’s so easy now to embed SVGs and make Vector Art animations for a website.

Anyway here’s an amazing video I found, that gave me some much needed inspiration to try Vector Art after all these years.