Art: Repeatable Textures

Summary: In this article I discuss an old school technique to making repeatable textures using Photoshop.

Some textures are better used textures when made repeatable. Besides symmetrical pattern using repeatable texture wherever you can helps with having one texture instead of duplicating multiple textures or making a very large texture. Most common places for repeatable textures is the ground. Where textures like stone, sand, grass need to be laid across a larger surface area.

Let’s take an example of a stone pathway to demonstrate the power of repeatable textures.

The free texture used in this article was downloaded from . Also known as CG Textures 10 years ago. They are best site to get any Game textures you could think of.

Since this texture is not repeatable you can see the seam lines whenever the texture repeats.

Here’s another example of the problem we are facing. We will now, make this texture repeatable and see the difference in the result. Let’s head into Photoshop.

Here’s the final result.